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  1. Hello All, There comes a time in everyone man's life when he has to let go of his childhood laptop.... Anyway, I have had the same computer for 8 years, maxed out the RAM at 2GBs, added an new 320 GB hard drive, added a new CD drive and even went as far as switching out the CPU. The only thing I haven't done is replaced the motherboard. Obviously, I am not going to waste my time on that. Seeing as I am graduating college in a few weeks, I thought I would turn to my fellow PHP community to ask for some suggestions. Here are the two sides of the spectrum: Side one: HP Spectre 14t-3200 Ultrabook Sleek, slim and lite SDD Reviews say the graphics card isn't the best Side two: Alienware 14X Dedicated graphics card Powerhouse of a laptop Love the look and feel of the body Too Heavy Those are the two opposite sides of the spectrum. Any suggestions in between are good. There are a couple of things I am looking for. Intel i7 quad core processor Minimum 6gb of ram dedicated graphics card (Not built into the CPU) full HD 1600x900 Preferred no disk tray, slide in preferred. If it doesnt have one that is fine. Decent battery On my laptop I do pretty much everything. I do a little bit of gaming here and there. Obviously, I code and do other web development stuff. I work with the adobe design suite here and there. Also some small video editing. A lot of multitasking stuff. Please don't mention the Mac Book Pro or the Mac Book Air. I have my reasons for not wanting one and I will leave it at that. Any suggestions will help. Thanks!
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