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  1. I have a page with 2 divs that can be hidden. Now when I load the page the URL looks as follows www.example.com/wedding.php#pyromusicals or it could be www.example.com/wedding.php#just-fireworks now im trying to hide a different div depending on the anchor value and if there is no anchor then hide them both. Here is my code so far $(document).ready(function() { // Get # parameter var param = document.URL.split('#')[1]; if (param == 'pyromusicals') { $(".hidden-div2").hide(); } else if (param == 'purely-fireworks') { $(".hidden-div1").hide(); } }); The problem is that on page load neither works but if you manually hit refresh then the jquery starts working. The links on the page are just html links <li><a href="/wedding-fireworks.php#pyromusicals" title="View information about pyromusical displays for weddings">Pyromusicals</a></li> <li><a href='/wedding-fireworks.php#purely-fireworks' title="View information about wedding fireworks"><span>Purely Fireworks</span></a></li> Any ideas. I am completely new to java and jquery so I'd have no idea where to begin trouble shooting this.
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