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Found 4 results

  1. I'm running across this more and more. Prospective client gives access (w/o NDA) to (relatively) secure solution for the purpose of generating a project specification and project estimate. Usually the SOP is some add-on module or feature enhancement - in other words, not a major overhaul of the current solution. In the due diligence, security holes are discovered, to varying degrees of insecurity. This really becomes an awkward situation when the current solution is provided by a third party OEM and leased by the client. To make matters worse, the prospective client decides NOT to proceed with the project so there is no financial benefit to giving away consulting services. Options are: A: Do not notify the prospective client their solution is insecure and move on. B: Notify the client their solution is insecure even though they are not the code authors and can't fix it without contacting the vendor. C: Notify the vendor they have insecure code even though there is no financial incentive to do so - and likely violates terms and conditions for the client. D: Sell the exploit knowledge on some hacker forum... ( just kidding, this IS NOT really an option - toungue and cheek people... ). There are plenty of recent cases in the news where dudes hacking systems (usually without permission) but without nefarious/malicious intent, have been arrested and charged. For example, last months airline hack... http://thehackernews.com/2015/05/fbi-plane-hacking.html What'd Ya Think?
  2. hi ! i am on the point of starting building a website from scratch , i know what i want to do and the different technologies a want to use but i dont know what are the steps and what comes first and how to implement different technologies , between designing the website (html+css) and programming (classes + database conections + pages) + JQuery . is there any models about designing and combining these things to bulid a Website ? thanks !
  3. Hey guys, I'm entering the amateurish level of programming right now, but have a challenging project ahead of me. Here is a brief scope of the problem: We are collecting a lot of data. It ends up being essentially 53 columns in the CSV. The first thing I noticed was that there were certain portions of the data that were very likely to repeat. This led to the following Schema (MySQL) to decrease redundancies: TABLE Markets (Relies on nothing) (Holds data about markets) TABLE Contacts (Relies on markets) (Contacts are associated with a market) TABLE Events (The events belong to both a market and a contact) TABLE Event Products (This only relies on an Event) Essentially my task is to automate the process since we'll be processing thousands of rows. So the script would probably need to behave like so: Import in markets Then import associated contacts (as well as the unique market id assigned by MySQL) Then import associated events (placing the unique market and contact id assigned by MySQL as well) Then import associated event products (placing the unique event id assigned by MySQL as well) As you can see this is probably really challenging. I've looked around a bit for some decent tutorials or reading. Sorry for the long winded post, here are my three questions: I cannot accurately estimate how long a project like this should take me, in your experience how long does a project like this take? Am I going about this the right way? (Even using PHPMyAdmin to import took a long time due to having to get the appropriate ids) Do you know of any good resources, or books for this? Thanks a million!
  4. Hi guys, I am working on e-commerce application design project for my university assignment and I need some help with pseudocode to get me started. Here is the diagram: upload foto If someone can help would be great! Raddy
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