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  1. Hi everyone! What I am going to ask is for me a wery big thing. I have tried for weeks to get this thing working, but I have no PHP coding skills so I can´t fix this myself. I´m trying to decline login to our MediaWiki if an admin not approved the account. What I was thing was that I created a new column in user table in the database called approved_account. I configured the field so that when a new user is created they will get value "0". I then want to in login process check if that field for that user contains a "0" (zero), if it do they should not be allowed to logg in. IF (approved_account = '0') then deny logg in. Is there someone out there that knows how to create this kind of extension? I have looked for already existing extensions like ConfirmAccount but they require email functionallity which our Wiki doesn´t support. Would appreciate If someone would lika to be kind to help me with this request.
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