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  1. Hi all After giving this one hours of thought and tedious trial, I saw myself obliged to join and ask here... I made this function to look up the price from a $product. I have an include on pages where I need the prices in the variables like the 3 first ones in the example. The problem is that my function is only working when I hardcode prices as keys. I tried all sorts of methods to get access to what's in the vars from within the function, but I'm starting to fear this is not possible and I can't use this way? OTOH, it doesn't seem like keys have to be numbers, so I hope there is something I'm not getting... $kofferprijs_Disco = 6.5; $kofferprijs_Hawaii = 8; $kofferprijs_Pirates = 7; function priceLookup($product){ $pricelist = array( $GLOBALS['kofferprijs_Disco'] => 'DISCOFEEST', $GLOBALS['kofferprijs_Hawaii'] => 'HAWAI/TROPICAL', $GLOBALS['kofferprijs_Pirates'] => 'PIRATES', ); if (in_array($product, $pricelist)) { $price = array_search( $product, $pricelist ); return $price; } } $productPrice = priceLookup('PIRATES'); // should give me '7' Tried every variation know to man... $kofferprijs_Pirates $$kofferprijs_Pirates ${$kofferprijs_Pirates} $$GLOBALS['kofferprijs_Pirates'] ${$GLOBALS['kofferprijs_Pirates']} ... Thanks for any help! :-)
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