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  1. Ok I am not sure if this is even the proper way to do it. I have a form setup to add data to mysql. Right now I have a table called "messages" and inside it I have "id,name,message,category" I have the "category" column setup to be a numeric value between 1-4, which is selected in the intial form as shown here: <form action="addmessage.php" method="post"> Title:<input type="text" id="name" name="name" /></input><br> Message: <textarea id='message' name="message" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea><br> Category: <select name="category" id="category"><option value="1">User Related</option><option value="2">Guide related</option><option value="3">Code Related</option><option value="4">Misc.</option></select> <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> So what I am wanting to do now is make it to where the numeric value displays a variable defined in another table. Say I started a table called 'categories' where the id corresponds to a text value. The whole idea is to have another form setup to add a name for the category so that the user can change category names as needed. There will only be a 4 values and these will only be called on for the drop down in the above code and on anothe page that displays all the data from the messages table. Am I over thinking this process?
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