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  1. hi, im a bit new to php programming, and im trying to make this: - user enters data on webpage and i store them to a txt file (this worked easily ...) - then i wanted to compare the string that users add to already saved data in txt files. so reading line by line .... it is suppose to be working like this: if there is a duplicate entery, close file and echo "duplicate entery". i use strcmp to compare two string and its kind a frustrating, cause i get in infinty loop i guess and lots o new, same enterys in the txt file. i got stuck here and wonder if someone could help .... this is my code .... <?php $text = $_GET['email']; $text1 = $_GET['sex']; $text2 = $_GET['age']; $dates = date("d.m.Y H"); $savestring = "\n" . $dates . ";" . $text . ";" . $text1 . ";" . $text2 ; $fp = fopen("myFile.txt", 'r'); while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); if(strcmp($savestring,$line)==0) { echo "<h1>Duplicate entery.</h1>"; fclose($fp); } else { fclose($fp); $fp1 = fopen("myFile1.txt", 'a'); fwrite($fp1, $savestring); echo "<h1>Success. U have been added to list.</h1>"; } } ?>
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