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  1. hello everyone .. I created a pseudo cms. The program so far works like this: chosen by the user-form with 2 select a layout element (header, main, sidebardx, sidebarsx and footer) and what he wants to insert inside a box or (research, contacts, map and items). -after you have made ​​your selection, click on submit the data are entered in a database and then displayed on the page after using a table as follows: in this table are the links for the elimination and modification of the record. Now click on change, the user is sent to a new page with a form similar to the first that allows him to change his choice. after sending the record is modified and the user is taken back to the table. Now, if I wanted to have a preview, how should I do? I have already prepared a layout in html5, and I have to make sure that the user can actually see for example the box "articles" within the "main" .... you have any suggestions??
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