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Found 2 results

  1. Hey, I'm fairly new to coding php. I'm trying to find a decent php comment box which works without mysql. I've found a few but all i get is errors or out of date links. The reason i don't want to use mysql is because it all connects to the same page, this means if i add the comment box on different page they will all be the same comment. I don't really want to add it unless someone knows away around this. Do you think anyone could help me code one or point me in the right direction? Thank you
  2. Hey, I'm new to forums and also quite new to php. I was wondering is there a way to add a comment boxs but without mysql? I've got one http://mhgames.tk/commentbox.html. But all the comments go back to one page, And if I post the comment box on multiple pages I don't want them all going into the same comments. If that make sense and if I need to create a mysql database for every page.. That will take ages. More about me? - I'm making a game website with my friend. I would like to add a comment box on every page with a game. (separate comments) I've added one with mysql at the moment but all the comments go into one section. This wouldn't be helpful if I need to separate the comments for each page. Thank you, I will really appreciated.
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