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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All, Currently building a Joomla component. Having an issue with data being duplicated when I click the save button. Instead of the item in the database being updated a new item is being created, has anyone faced this issue before? I am wondering if it might be to do with my database design. I have named the primary key as journal_id, but I see in the tutorial it is set just to id, is this a requirement for Joomla to function properly? Any help with this issue would be gratefully received. Andrew
  2. Hi All, I am currently trying to learn how to build Joomla Components. I am building a component which will function as a "Magazine Library". I have been following the guide found here and modifying it accordingly to fit my needs: http://docs.joomla.org/J3.2:Developing_a_MVC_Component/Adding_backend_actions I am doing quite well, but I seem to have hit a snag, during development I changed the name of one of the views from journallibraries to journallibrarys, just to make it a little easier to follow the guide. I have the first view which outputs a list of the magazine articles in a table and has a menu at the top to "Add", "Edit" and "Delete". When clicking the Add and Edit function the next view loads fine which shows the form to allow adding or editing of an item. The menu also appears so you can save & close or just close. When I click Save & Close or indeed Close, it redirects to a form which does not exist, which is the "journallibraries" form which was originally in this component. I have been through all of the code and I cannot find a single reference to this view, what I want to know is if anyone has had a similar problem to this, or if anyone knows where the code might be which is responsible for the actions that occur when "Save" is selected. I have uploaded the component admin part (which is all I have done so far), so if anyone has 5 minutes to help me identify this problem I would be eternally grateful! Cheers, Andrew com_journallibrary.zip
  3. Hello everyone I am not very familiar with Cron Job in Joomla. I have created custom component from http://www.component-creator.com/. I have created two field 1. Title and 2.Cron. Now i want to disable that title when Cron(Date field) and current date is match. I will thankful If anyone can help me. Thanks, Manan
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