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I was able to edit this code from my word press theme.. I wanted to add a social club ID to as a text field, i was able to add the text field but i cannot seem to get the information from that field sent with the email I edited this contact form file on my word press to try and include a Social ID field, i was able to add the content to the form but i'm unable to get the information sent in the email, keeps giving me awkward results. help plz. <?php session_start(); /** * Template Name: Contact Form */ global $theme; get_header(); ?> <div id="main"> <?php $theme->hook('main_before'); ?> <div id="content"> <?php $theme->hook('content_before'); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); /** * Find the post formatting for the pages in the post-page.php file */ get_template_part('post', 'page'); endwhile; else : get_template_part('post', 'noresults'); endif; ?> <div class="contact-form"> <?php if ($_POST['contact_form_submit'] ) { if(!$_POST['contact_form_name'] || !$_POST['contact_form_email'] || !$_POST['contact_form_subject'] || !$_POST['contact_form_socialid'] || !$_POST['contact_form_question'] || !$_POST['contact_form_message']) { ?><div class="error"><?php _e('Please fill in all required fields!','themater'); ?></div><?php } elseif(!is_email($_POST['contact_form_email'])) { ?><div class="error"><?php _e('Invalid email!','themater'); ?></div><?php } elseif(($_SESSION['contact_form_number_one'] + $_SESSION['contact_form_number_two']) != $_POST['contact_form_question']) { ?><div class="error"><?php _e('You entered the wrong solution..','themater'); ?></div><?php } else { wp_mail($theme->get_option('contact_form_email'), sprintf( '[%s] ' . esc_html($_POST['contact_form_subject']), get_bloginfo('name') ), esc_html($_POST['contact_form_message']),'From: "'. esc_html($_POST['contact_form_name']) .'" <' . esc_html($_POST['contact_form_email']) . '>'); unset($_POST); ?><div class="message"><?php _e('Thanks for contacting Devils First MC.','themater'); ?></div><?php } if ( isset($_SESSION['contact_form_number_one'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['contact_form_number_one'] ); if ( isset($_SESSION['contact_form_number_two'] ) ) unset( $_SESSION['contact_form_number_two'] ); } if ( !isset($_SESSION['contact_form_number_one'] ) ) $_SESSION['contact_form_number_one'] = $contact_form_number_one = rand(1, 9); else $contact_form_number_one = $_SESSION['contact_form_number_one']; if ( !isset($_SESSION['contact_form_number_two'] ) ) $_SESSION['contact_form_number_two'] = $contact_form_number_two = rand(1, 9); else $contact_form_number_two = $_SESSION['contact_form_number_two']; ?> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="contact_form_submit" value="true" /> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_name']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php _e('Name','themater'); ?>:</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><input type="text" name="contact_form_name" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['contact_form_name']) ) { echo esc_attr($_POST['contact_form_name']); } ?>" /></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_socialid']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php _e('Social Club ID','themater'); ?>:</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><input type="text" name="contact_form_socialid" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['contact_form_socialid']) ) { echo esc_attr($_POST['contact_form_socialid']); } ?>" /></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_email']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php _e('Email','themater'); ?>:</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><input type="text" name="contact_form_email" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['contact_form_email']) ) { echo esc_attr($_POST['contact_form_email']); } ?>" /></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_question']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php echo $contact_form_number_one; ?> + <?php echo $contact_form_number_two; ?> = ?</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><input type="text" name="contact_form_question" value="" /></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_subject']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php _e('Subject','themater'); ?>:</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><input type="text" name="contact_form_subject" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['contact_form_subject']) ) { echo esc_attr($_POST['contact_form_subject']); } ?>" /></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft <?php if($_POST && !$_POST['contact_form_message']) { echo 'contact-form-required'; } ?>"><?php _e('Message','themater'); ?>:</div> <div class="contact-form-input"><textarea name="contact_form_message" ><?php if ( isset($_POST['contact_form_message']) ) { echo esc_textarea($_POST['contact_form_message']); } ?></textarea></div> <div class="contact-form-label alignleft"> </div> <div class="contact-form-input" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Submit','themater'); ?>" /></div> </form> </div> <?php $theme->hook('content_after'); ?> </div><!-- #content --> <?php get_sidebars(); ?> <?php $theme->hook('main_after'); ?> </div><!-- #main --> <?php get_footer(); ?>
contact.php ... html form ... $('#submit').click(function(){ $.post("mail.php", $("#contact").serialize(), function(response) { $('#success').html(response); }); return false; }); mail.php is a separate file (for sending mail), and everything works in this arrangement. But I need to load contact.php into index.php $('#divR').load('chapters/contact.php'); so corresponding js line becomes $.post("chapters/mail.php", $("#contact").serialize(), function(response) {... Submitting the form in this case response from mail.php is received, but POST array is empty, i.e. form doesn't send any data to mail.php !?
Hi! I have been searching on the web for solutions but for some reason it seems that I can't implement them. I am a rookie in PHP and perhaps the mistake has been under my nose all this time but I did not manage to see it... Here goes my contact form: <form method="post" action="kontakt.php"> <label>Namn *</label> <input name="name" placeholder="Type Here"> <label>Telefon *</label> <input name="telef" placeholder="Type Here"> <label>E-post *</label> <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Type Here"> <label>Meddelandet</label> <textarea name="message" placeholder="Type Here"></textarea> <label>*Hur mycket är 2+2? (Anti-spam)</label> <input name="human" placeholder="Type Here"> <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"> <?php $name = $_POST['name']; $telef = $_POST['telef']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $from = 'Lounge Terrasse'; $to = '[email protected]'; $subject = 'Lounge Terrasse - Ny meddelande'; $human = $_POST['human']; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . PHP_EOL; $headers .= "From: $from <$email> ". PHP_EOL; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 ". PHP_EOL; $body = "From: $name\n Telefon: $telef\n E-Mail: $email\n Message:\n $message"; if ($_POST['submit']) { if ($name != '' && $email != '' && $telef != '') { if ($human == '4') { if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) { echo '<p>Your message has been sent!</p>'; } else { echo '<p>Something went wrong, go back and try again!</p>'; } } else if ($_POST['submit'] && $human != '4') { echo '<p>You answered the anti-spam question incorrectly!</p>'; } } else { echo '<p>You need to fill in all required fields!!</p>'; } } ?> </form> So... any suggestions in order to implement correctly the utf8, since the e-mails are still coming with weird characters? Thanks in advance!!
- php
- contact-form
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