I got a script which retrieves the real url to someone's facebook profile picture. What I want to do is copy that picture to my own server. This worked flawlessly until four days ago. Now all I got is a connection time out. I haven't changed anything about my code in the last few days, so I really don't understand why it stopped working. It has got nothing to do with writing rights. I've also tried to configure ini settings, but without any luck (and should not be an issue since the code worked 4 days ago with the exact same image). The weird thing is that it does work with other random images from the web. Does anyone have an idea why it stopped working? the code I use is:
copy("https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s2048x2048/643928_10151459968053747_138997005_n.jpg", "images/test.jpg");
As you can see, the url just works when pasting it into the browser. I've contacted my hosting provider to find out if they changed something in firewall / server settings, but they had no idea what could be causing this error.
And yes, that's me on the picture.
Hope someone can help me, because it's really driving me insane!
Best, Sascha