Hi - My app is built with Codeigniter and so if I turn on CSRF on CI inside the config I get the token being created on my page - good.
But I have 1 page ( "shopping cart") which uses Scriptaculous Ajax.Updater function : http://api.prototypejs.org/ajax/Ajax/Updater/
When I turn on CSRF my shopping cart page refuses to function in terms of updating the cart or deleting any items from the cart. These are both js functions.
I am really stuck - any help would be a God send. Thank You !!
Here is the code:
UpDate JS Function:
function jsUpdateCart(){
var parameter_string = '';
allNodes = document.getElementsByClassName("process");
for(i = 0; i < allNodes.length; i++) {
var tempid = allNodes[i].id;
var temp = new Array;
temp = tempid.split("_");
var real_id = temp[2];
var real_value = allNodes[i].value;
parameter_string += real_id +':'+real_value+',';
var params = 'ids='+parameter_string;
var ajax = new Ajax.Updater(
'ajax_msg','http://localhost/mysite/index.php/welcome/ajax_cart', {method:'post',parameters:params,onComplete:showMessage}