I went to the link indicated in the forum post in my title and got 404 errors!
That said, here is my nube problem:
I have an form page that loads a PHP app in a frame which displays a list of date information from a table. The idea being as the user fills out the form he/she can refer to the list of dates to avoid "double-booking".
Once the form has been filled out and the ever-popular "submit" button is clicked, a PHP page is executed that is suposed to take the information gathered and put it into a record in the SAME table that the php app in the form page's frame used.
Before adding this PHP app to the form page, everything worked fine.
Now I get a "couldn't select database" error - which is the "die" message found in this code:
$db = mysql_select_db($database,$connection)
or die ("Couldn't select database");
...when the php app that receives the form data tries to connect to the database.
I do close the database in the list applet and I have also tried the same process with the database remaining open when the "submit" button with the same results.
What am I missing here? Must I somehow close the php ap in the frame as part of the process of passing data to the following pgp app?
Is there a way to set up the database so that, once opened, subsequent php apps can modify the table?
Your assistance is much appreciated.