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  1. Hi. I am trying to authenticate a mail server from the wordpress user database. Wordpress now uses phpass for password hashing, but it has changed not so long ago. So I would like to use the WP functions, to stay compatible in future releases There is a possibility in Dovecot, to run a shell script for authentication (checkpassword). So, I thought, this script could start a php scipt, and it would use the WP functions for authentications. I made the php script, and it worked. Then I made the bash script, which runs the php, and it worked too. But when the Dovecot starts the bash script, it gives a PHP error. I am stuck now. It is a simple Debian Wheezy LAMP, with postfix, dovecot, wordpress. The PHP code is: <?php define('WP_USE_THEMES', false); require("wp-config.php"); $mail = $argv[1]; $pass = $argv[2]; $con=mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME); $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT user_login FROM ".$table_prefix."users WHERE user_email='".$mail."'"); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $user = $row['user_login']; mysqli_close($con); $check = wp_authenticate_username_password(NULL, $user, $pass); if ( is_wp_error($check) ) { $ispassok = "1"; } else { $ispassok = $user; } exit ($ispassok); It gets the email address and the password as an argument, finds out the username, then uses a WP function to check out is it a valid user/pass combination. If it is, then it returns the username, if not, then returns "1". The bash script is: #!/bin/bash # The first and only argument is path to checkpassword-reply binary. # It should be executed at the end if authentication succeeds. CHECKPASSWORD_REPLY_BINARY="$1" # Messages to stderr will end up in mail log (prefixed with "dovecot: auth: Error:") LOG=/dev/stderr # User and password will be supplied on file descriptor 3. INPUT_FD=3 export ISOK read -d $'\0' -r -u $INPUT_FD USER read -d $'\0' -r -u $INPUT_FD PASS #USER=$1 #PASS=$2 ISOK=$(php /var/www/wordpress/proba.php $USER $PASS) echo "User:"$USER" Pass:"$PASS" IsOK:"$ISOK > /etc/dovecot/out.txt if [ "$ISOK" = "1" ]; then exit 1 else export password="{PLAIN}$PASS" exec $CHECKPASSWORD_REPLY_BINARY fi There is a commented out lines, used for testing. When I run the script manually from shell with email address and cleartext password as arguments, it works as it should. But when the dovecot runs it, then I have an error message in mail log about php error: Jun 2 21:45:09 NWVK001 dovecot: auth: Error: PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 5505024) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 2909 Jun 2 21:45:09 NWVK001 dovecot: auth: Error: Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 5505024) (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 2909 I searched around, but couldn't find any help. If there is someone with an idea, I would gladly listen. Thanks.
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