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  1. I built a simple input drop-down list, using <select> which populates from a mysql database. It works fine, but if the result from the query is not found then the drop-down list just shrinks and doesn't say anything. I want it to say something like: "Name not found". I've searched everywhere but I can't seem to find the way. This is my code: <?php if ( $myquery = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT name, idname FROM db WHERE name LIKE '%".$name."%'") ) { $myquery->execute(); $myquery->store_result(); $myquery->bind_result( $nompac, $idpac ) ; } <form name="form1" method="post" action="example.php"> <table > <tr> <td>Name: </td> <td> <select name="chosen_name"> <?php while ( $myquery->fetch() ) { echo "<strong><option value=".$idpac.">".$nompac."</option></strong>"; } ?> </select> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Go" class="button"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> So I added: if ( empty( $myquery ) ) { echo "<strong><option value=''>Name not found</option></strong>"; } else { while ( $myquery->fetch() ) { echo "<strong><option value='".$idpac."'>".$nompac."</option></strong>"; } } But it just ignores the code and does nothing. Next I added var_dump($myquery); before the if( empty( $myquery ) ) and nothing happened, so I placed it next to the mysqli prepared query and the output was: Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
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