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  1. Alright so I have 3 pages. Signup, Password reset and Send message. All three pages/forms email to the recipient. So far my test have only been with hotmail and gmail. All emails go through for hotmail accounts. They show up in the hotmail. All emails DO go through for gmail accounts. But they don't show up in the gmail. The only page that gmail is able to receive emails from is "send message". The emails derived from that send message show up in gmail. The other two don't. There are not errors on the server side that show up. It clearly shows emails being sent. Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?
  2. Hi This is my first so i would like to say hello. I am a novice when it comes to php code and i am just trying to get my head around a few things. So i have set a shop and got everything sorted but i need to put more information in a payment confirmation email that we receive after an order is placed. At the moment we receive this: The status of payment {$PAYMENT_ID} for order {$ORDER_ID} changed. I located the code so i could go about adding parameters to the code so that i get the payment id,order id (which is already there) but i also wanted the product name and amount. So i tried adding {$PRODUCT_NAME} like this and also amount like this {$PRICE}. But anything i tried when i made a test purchase just showed up as code. But the payment and order id showed up fine. What am i doing wrong? If anyone could help that would great.
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