This little program was given me by the sysad of the network who set up my homepage. I don't know php, so haven't been successful in finding out what the problem is.
When running the program, I get an error message which says, "Warning: eregi(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /home/mountain/public_html/sendeail.phpon line 52
One forum suggested changing "eregi" to "preg_match" to solve the problem, but it didn't; I still get the same error message except the "eregi" is replaced with "preg_match"
the program can be tried at
don't be put off by the" sendeail" - it's a misspelling, but the file name is misspelled in the same way. (that is, there is no "sendmail.php" program on the server, just "sendeail.php"
the source code can be seen from the above information, but just in case am attaching both contact.php and sendeail.php files
(eregi has been replaced with preg_match in these two files)contact.phpsendeail.php
I would really appreciate it if anyone can help.
Oh, I forgot to say that the program works perfectly, except for the error message line appearing at the top!
thanks, Hillel in Australia