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Found 5 results

  1. using php 8.3.1 i have it fully set up through mamp. i have updated php.ini file in the correct php version folder and enabled the fileinfo extension. when i run checks for extensions or check in the ext folder it is present, even through all this it's not working somehow, both on my october local backend and whenever trying to do something with it, it just recognizes it as not installed, very certain the issue isnt in using wrong version as i have checked that a lot of times any fix?
  2. hey guys...i'm having a little bit of trouble installing php on a alternative driver...i'm using windows 10 and have unzipped php 7.0.3 in the folder: R:\localhost\php\7.0.3 nts normally i would install it in c:\php but doing it on a alternative drive i'm having trouble loading the extensions. in the php.ini i have taken out the semi colan on the extensions and added a extension directory like so: extension_dir = "R:/localhost/php/7.0.3 nts/ext/" extension=php_openssl.dll etc... and i aslo put in a system variable under paths ;R:\localhost\php\7.0.3 nts\ then when trying to run openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() i get an error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() when checking phpinfo() i can see that php.ini path is: Configuration File (php.ini) Path: C:\Windows so my php.ini file ins't being loaded causing the extension not to work i use this batch file to run nginx and php which also executes the php.ini so i'm confued as to why its not working as it should @ECHO OFF start r:\localhost\"nginx 1.8.1"\nginx.exe start r:\localhost\php\"7.0.3 nts"\php-cgi.exe -b -c r:\localhost\php\"7.0.3 nts"\php.ini ping -n 1>NUL echo starting nginx echo . echo .. echo ... ping >NUL EXIT how can i get my php.ini file to load please? thanks guys
  3. Hello, right now, I am making a PHP page and I want to know how to make PHP detect what I call 'URL or domain extensions'. For example, if the URL is index.php?code=123 , The URL is 'index.php' and The extension is ?code=123 I want to get the '123' value from the 'code' prefix to a variable so I can use it for other things like #import 123 to variable 'code' echo "$code"; Please tell me how this happens. Thx. P.S. If my English is faulty please forgive me.
  4. Hello, I am trying to setup an Apache, MySql, PHP combination on windows 2008 r2 machine and have gotten to the part where I am trying to setup PhpMyAdmin when i get an error stating "Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in C:\...\...\gettext.inc on line 177" between google and this post: http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/42088-solved-scuttle-undefined-function/ It seemed likely to be that that the extension was commented out, so i verified the DLL was in the EXT directory and removed the comment for : extension=php_mbstring.dll then restarted the apache service. I then attempted to load the setup/index.php for PhpMyAdmin again, but it resulted in the same error. When i run php.exe -m It lists mbstring in the PHP Modules, however if i run <?php phpinfo(); ?> the resulting page lists NOTHING about mbstring... I would greatly appreciate any help regarding this issue. These are the various components and/or important info... OS: Windows 2008 R2 w/SP1 Apache: 2.4.4 win32 w/ ssl 0.9.8 PHP: v5.4.16 Win32 VC90x86 threadsafe MySql: (presumably x86) PhpMyAdmin: 4.0.3 following setup guide: http://lifeofageekadmin.com/how-install-apache-2-4-php-5-4-and-mysql-5-5-21-on-windows-7/
  5. Hi guys, I've got an issue that's probably really simple. I'm looking to install a few PHP extensions, namingly: PDO, Curl, Deflate, gd, memchace, and mbstring. I've figured out where to download a whole bunch of files zipped up, but I thought you needed a .dll to add it to your PHP extensions in WAMP? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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