Is it possible to make two consecutive calls to a MYSQL DB in one trip to the server? Tables are powered by MYISAM (because fatcow doesn't support InnoDB). PHP 5.3. MYSQL 5.0.91
In case you need more information, my site is broken down into header, footer, main content, and side bar, and they are all separate PHP docs. The main content is made up of a few different pages, one of which is called depending on the user's selections. One of the content pages is a catalog. The script accesses the database and loads the current available inventory. When a user adds item to the cart, the whole page reloads (starting with a DB call to load the catalog) and then populates the cart summary in the sidebar, constituting the second DB call for that single trip to the server. Will the second call potentially be attempted when the table is still locked?
I ask because I am experiencing connection failures.
Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you in advance for your consideration.