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  1. Hi, Although I have been programming for a long time now I have been asked to help a friend out with some PHP and MySql (never touched either of them before this week) I find some tasks which should be obvious to me are a little alien. My problem is that I want to read a record from a user file using the 'id' and then using data from that record to read 1 or 2 records from a contact/address file. I do not know whether it will be 1 or 2 records as this data is entered by the user. The sample code here shows the user file "valid_user" and the contact/address file called "carer", not having used this form of syntax before I am not 100% sure that the SELECT statement is correct except that it does produce the correct data when run (well the first contact details). $myid = $_SESSION['id']; try { $query="SELECT * FROM carer INNER JOIN valid_users ON valid_users.id = carer.valid_users_id WHERE valid_users.id='$myid'"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(); $count = $stmt->rowCount(); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $myfirstname = $row['firstname']; $mysurname = $row['surname']; $myaddress1 = $row['address1']; $myaddress2 = $row['address2']; $mytown = $row['town']; $mycounty = $row['county']; $mypostcode = $row['postcode']; $myhome = $row['landline']; $mymobile = $row['mobile']; $myemail = $row['email']; $myecontact = $row['econtact']; $myephone = $row['ephone']; This gets me details for the first contact, which is displayed quite happily but I do not understand how I go about fetching the 2nd contact record (if there is one). I understand I could use fetchAll but I cant then work out how i populate the variables for both the first contact and the second contact when the variables are not the same i.e. the firstname field in "contact" record 1 will populate $myfirstname whereas the firstname field in "contact" record 2 will populate $myfirstname2. It is done this way because I am displaying both sets of contact details on the screen. In my past experience I would just do a Read Next to get the second contact record but obviously no such syntax is available. I also use the record count later on in the program. I know this probably has an easy answer but all the documentation I have read want to talk about apples and pears and whether they are red or yellow and then shows you how to print the array without explaining how you get the separate elements of the array in to variables. Any help would be appreciated
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