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  1. Hi everybody .. i have a URL i am using it to send SMS, it is like h**ps://www.domain.net/api/?username=[username]&password=[Password]&sms=[Message]&mobile=[mobile_numbers]&binary=[language_Flag] and i am using the following code to get the file content because it show a message based on the result of sending the message (sent, fail, or other result) <?php $msgurl='h**ps://www.domain.net/api/?username=[username]&password=[Password]&sms=[Message]&mobile=[mobile_numbers]&binary=[language_Flag]'; $result=file_get_contents($msgurl); switch($result) { case '1': echo 'Success­'; break; case '0': echo 'Fail'; break; case 'Invalid login': echo 'Invalid login'; break; case 'Missing or Empty Field': echo 'Missing or Empty Field'; break; case 'Invalid Message Language': echo 'Invalid Message Language'; break; case 'Insufficent Balance': echo 'Insufficent Balance'; break; case 'Invalid Sender': echo 'Invalid Sender'; break; case 'Sender name is not activated': echo 'Sender name is not activated'; break; } ?> the problem that when i put the file name in the URL like (sendsms.php) and then the parameters, the above code show the result correctly , but when i remove the file name ... i don't get any result. So is it possible to get the file content from a URL like that?
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