Currently I am using a script that displays the entire directory. However I am trying to use preg_match to try and figure out
how to just link to one file from the directory via a search string from a form.
I am probably not even close so please bare with me
if (isset($_POST['filelook'])) {
$filez = $_POST['filelook'];
edit $path to the directory you want to use
edit $file_types to change the file types to show
function file_type($file)
$searchString = $filez;
$path_chunks = explode("/", $file);
$thefile = $path_chunks[count($path_chunks) - 1];
$dotpos = strrpos($thefile, ".");
return strtolower(substr($thefile, $dotpos + 1));
$file_count = 0;
$path = "./WinFiles/files";
$file_types = array('png', 'jpg');
$p = opendir($path);
while (false !== ($filelook = readdir($p)))
$files[] = $filelook;
echo "<b> Your file results:</b><br> ";
if (file_exists($filez) && is_readable($filez) && preg_match($filez)) {
echo '<a href="download.php?f='.$filez.'">'.$filez.'</a> <br/>';
//find filename like name searched for...
if($file_count == 0)
echo "<b>No file match your file types</b>";