Hi all!
I'm going through a very strange problem.
I have an identical code on BlueHost and GoDaddy.
On BlueHost it does NOT work and on GoDaddy it works just fine.
Both BlueHost and GoDaddy are using PHP v5.2.17
The code is:
// Validating the Image (userfile)
if (empty($userfile))
$errorArray['Image File'] = "Browse and select a GIF/JPEG Image File to upload!";
elseif (!($userfile_type =="image/pjpeg" OR $userfile_type=="image/gif"))
$errorArray['Uploaded Image'] = "Your uploaded file must be either JPG or GIF only!";
elseif (!doesuserfile_nameEventBannerExist($userfile_name))
$errorArray['Uploaded Image'] = "Filename already Exists, Rename and Upload again!";
Please help !
Thank you