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  1. I'm learning PHP to help code an application for a successful venture. Wish to find some help here in case I'm stuck. Thanks for anyone who might help me out in the next few weeks and maybe months. I'm planning to finish the prototype by end of August of 2013. Company name is called MyHumaniy.org I need to write two things for this project. One is a social group network called My Humanity Social Network.com The second project is a forum I called My Humanity Forum.com This forum is different from any other but I have to design it as customized forum. Anyone who helps me with this project or guide me will be given a chance to become co-founder of the company. You don't have to join but we give that option for people in case this project is a success. This project hs big ambitions. This might sound crazy to most people but we are about to marginalize Linkedin, Ebay, Facebook and Google. This project has both a nonprofit and for profit operation social enterprise company so everything we bring out to humanity has something to do with social good. Unlike any social network in the world today, This project intends to help start the Venus project and make it a reality. Somebody has to start that journey for Mr. Fresco. I will be the one who will take the first step to help create a future for humanity. We can have 5 co-founders but we can have 1000 co-founders also because I'm not concern about making money for myself but to be able to make money for humanity so we have the money to bring out many social projects such as the Venus project to build a city of self-sufficient for the future. All we need is build one city at a time and see te future for our grand children and how they will live. Again, this project sounds crazy to most people just like when John F Kenndy asks the nation we are going to put a lan on the moon but people don't think this is crazy anymore like it is very normal. This project is called The People's Porject. Anyone helping me out will have a fun time when we bring out the appplications. Also, those who have helped me in any way,, I consider you part of our founding team member so we will share some of the wealth of our hard work together. We don't stop after we marginalize Google. We will conquer the world of the Insurance Industry and even the entire Real Estate Market with my concept called Humanity market Place.com where all commerce and ecommerce one day takes place. Believe me when this is out, Ebay will exerinece the fear they never felt before. This time it is unlike Craigslist which they bought to subdue them but this time we marginalize Ebay the company for good. This will be an enjoyable project also. The thing is I need help with the coding using PHP to doa customied forum as my first project and also a social goup network project similar to Meetup.com but very different in function and mission. It will be more like Linkedin type of application but has element of a social network like meetup and a blend of Facebook. Thanks again for reading my message here. Hope to make some great friends soon. I do not know how to run website also but only the ideas behind the business model. I'm also just started learning almost everything to dowith web developement just recently such as HTML 4, CSS, Basic Javascript and study a little bit on ROR and now onto PHP which seems easier to use. I got to learn at least one server scripting language to give my website more dynamic with data structure. I hope this place can help me out. Thanks again. Ming
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