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  1. English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors. I have a very strange problem with a HTML form that use checkbox arrays. It is a simple checkbox code in a real site in Russian language, where I help to my frend to fix: http://astrabis.ru/teoria/test2.php The host has the PHP Version 5.3.13. This code, YES works in my local PC (Windows 7), with installed Xamp Appache, PHP Version 5.6.3. Problem description. A client side file test2.php has a checkbox form and it is shown perfectly on a browser. The form fill some arrays according to checked boxes. But when I check some of them and press Submit, I do not see any data moving to a testrez2.php file (it processes the form). I put additional debugging code (see below) and it shows me that no any array was received Details. File test2.php -- charset=windows-1251" -- -- -- There are three arrays of check boxes: vata[] pita[] kapha[] (note its text is in Russian and you see some strange signs or '?'): ---- The file of the result processing, testrez2.php, has some simple mathematic and I added some "print_r" and "echo" code to debug the problem. So the "print_r" prints error messages, pointing that arrais do not exist. More of that, historically, I started to work with another file from the site testrez3.php that has almost the same code. The file is activated by test3.php. The pair test3.php and testrez3.php are worked several days and stopped with the same problem! Also I did some experiments: --I also changed the method from POST to GET in files test2.php testrez2.php. I wanted to see in the address line of my browser that the checkbox data is really sent to the server. It is sent! But the testrez2.php also does not receive any data. See below the match of two "gets": real site and my PC local host localhost/astrabis/astrabis.ru/test/testrez2.php?vata%5B%5D=2&pita%5B%5D=2&kapha%5B%5D=2&vata%5B%5D=2&pita%5B%5D=2&kapha%5B%5D=2 astrabis.ru/teoria/testrez2.php?vata%255B%255D=2&pita%255B%255D=2&kapha%255B%255D=2&vata%255B%255D=2&pita%255B%255D=2&kapha%255B%255D=2 --I tested the form, adding new attribut 'enctype = text/plan' --and also 'enctype =application/x-www-form-urlencoded No results. --I tested the client's code on 4 types of internet explorers. No results. PLEASE HELP! testrez2.php test2.php
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