I'm using the frmvalidator.addValidation code (with the associated validator.js file) and I cannot for the life of me find anywhere how to include an allowable character of a line break to the regexp.
For example, I might have something like:
frmvalidator.addValidation("Notes","regexp=^[A-Za-z0-9\u005F\ \.\-\@\,\%\*\!\?\$\&\'\#\+\=\:\;\(\)\u2022]{1,300}$","Notes can only contain the following non-alphanumeric characters: ,'?!/*&%$#@:;_+=@");
But if a user enters a line break, it won't accept it. I've tried adding \u000D, \u000A, \u000C, U+000D, \r\n, \n ..... nothing works.
Am I missing something really obvious?