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  1. hi! My developer made me this php file. http://omenaa.ws/matrix.php he doesnt work for me anymore.I have uploaded the php to my site, but i get this error and this is my php code: <?php /* Page set in Affiliate Panel has to containt a URL parameter ref - just add ?ref={$refid} to the URL The page have to be PHP so the PHP code works... */ require_once('/affiliate/api/PapApi.class.php'); // include API file so we can work with it // check if we have to save any of the values from each form function processFormRequest(Pap_Api_Affiliate $affiliate) { $save = false; if (!empty($_POST['pm']) && ($_POST['pm'] != $affiliate->getData(10))) { // if a value was set and the value is different from the one we already stored before $affiliate->setData(10,$_POST['pm']); $save = true; } if (!empty($_POST['gdi']) && ($_POST['gdi'] != $afcfiliate->getData(11))) { $affiliate->setData(11,$_POST['gdi']); $save = true; } if (!empty($_POST['mca']) && ($_POST['mca'] != $affiliate->getData(12))) { $affiliate->setData(12,$_POST['mca']); $save = true; } if (!empty($_POST['ila']) && ($_POST['ila'] != $affiliate->getData(13))) { $affiliate->setData(13,$_POST['ila']); $save = true; } if (!empty($_POST['opro']) && ($_POST['opro'] != $affiliate->getData(14))) { $affiliate->setData(14,$_POST['opro']); $save = true; } if (!empty($_POST['znzo']) && ($_POST['znzo'] != $affiliate->getData(15))) { $affiliate->setData(15,$_POST['znzo']); $save = true; } $error = ''; if ($save) { // if any previous check changed $save to true, we will save it try { $affiliate->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = "Error saving data: ".$affiliate->getMessage(); } } return $error; } // authenticate as merchant $session = new Gpf_Api_Session("http://omenaa.ws/affiliate/scripts/server.php"); if(!$session->login("[email protected]", "v6gcGH5whd")) { die("Cannot load any info from the application, please contact your Affiliate Manager. Error Message: ".$session->getMessage()); } // --------------- // load affiliate based on the ref param sent from the affiliate panel $refid = $_GET['ref']; $affiliate = new Pap_Api_Affiliate($session); $affiliate->setRefid($refid); try { $affiliate->load(); $error = processFormRequest($affiliate); // call the processFormRequest function // load values to be set in the page froms $pm = $affiliate->getData(10); $gdi = $affiliate->getData(11); $mca = $affiliate->getData(12); $ila = $affiliate->getData(13); $opro = $affiliate->getData(14); $znzo = $affiliate->getData(15); $parent = new Pap_Api_Affiliate($session); $parent->setUserid($affiliate->getParentUserId()); try { // load parent values $parent->load(); // load parent values to be set in the page froms $p_pm = $parent->getData(10); $p_gdi = $parent->getData(11); $p_mca = $parent->getData(12); $p_ila = $parent->getData(13); $p_opro = $parent->getData(14); $p_znzo = $parent->getData(15); } catch (Exception $e) { // no parent affiliate } // if any of the parent values are empty, set the default one there if (empty($p_pm)) $p_pm = 'omenaa'; if (empty($p_gdi)) $p_gdi = 'omas'; if (empty($p_mca)) $p_mca = 'omenaa'; if (empty($p_ila)) $p_ila = 'omenaa'; if (empty($p_opro)) $p_opro = 'omenaa'; if (empty($p_znzo)) $p_znzo = '195262'; } catch (Exception $e) { die("We could not load your affiliate account, please contact your Affiliate Manager. Error Message: ".$affiliate->getMessage()); } // --------------- // the HTML page starts here, we will fill in the proper values inside of it ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>OMENA | Forced Matrix Downline Builder</title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <meta name="description" content="Network Marketing Group"> <script src="javascript/ga.js" ></script> <style> body { background:#036; font-family:verdana; } .wrapper { width:976px; background:white; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; padding-top:5px; border-radius:10px; margin-top:20px; border:2px solid black; } .header { border-top:1px solid black; border-bottom:1px solid black; } .button { font-size:16px; color:white; background:#063; padding:5px 20px 5px 20px; border-radius:20px; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; border:0px; } .maintitle { font-size:30px; color:white; background:#900; padding:10px; width:450px; margin:0 auto; border-radius:10px; border:2px solid white; box-shadow:0px 0px 3px black; text-align:center; } .maintextbox { width:700px; margin:0 auto; text-align:justify; line-height:1.5em; } .title { font-size:20px; color:white; background:#C60; padding:5px 20px 5px 20px; width:300px; border-radius:10px; border:2px solid white; box-shadow:0px 0px 3px black; font-weight:bold; } .box { margin:0 auto; width:600px; margin-top:20px; text-align:center; border:5px solid black; box-shadow:0px 0px 20px grey; } .form { margin-bottom:10px; } .form tbody tr td { padding:5px 10px 5px 10px; text-align:right; } .in { background:#f2f2f2; width:240px; border:2px solid silver; padding:3px; border-radius:5px; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="post" name="pm_form"> <div class="wrapper" style="width: 1024px; height: 3203px"> <p> </p> <div class="maintextbox" style="width: 979px; height: 374px"> <blockquote> <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#0000FF">Forced Matrix Allies</font> </h1> <div style="padding:5px"> Online Mentoring Associates & Allies, OMENAA, is dedicated to helping its members build successful internet businesses. We network, build teams and introduce our members to business opportunities that offer high returns with little investments. In addition, we provide the resources every entrepreneur needs to succeed. <p>Listed below are the income opportunities we market. Each business is available online and is consolidated to build multiple streams of income simultaneously. The chosen programs are the most lucrative opportunities on the internet and does not drain the pockets of members. By joining these programs and updating your links, everyone you refer to OMENAA will upgrade under YOUR links. <br /><br />You choose the opportunities you want to join. The total monthly cost for all of the programs listed below is $76.91 per month at the recommended levels, but you don't have to join them all. If a new member chooses not to join a program, YOUR links will pass down until the next member joins. </p> <p>Take your time and join all programs when you desire to do so. But don't put all your eggs in one basket, select two (2) or more of the programs below to build your income simultaneously with one effort. We <u><i><b>highly recommend </b></i></u>that GDI is always on of the business members join. You'll understand why as you set up your downline builder. <p>Lets get started. <p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%" id="table1"> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td colspan=2> <p align="left"><u><b><font face=verdana color=red>Recommended Programs</font></b></u> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td height="61" width="41%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font size="2"> <a style="color:blue" target="_blank" href="https://www.website.ws/orderflow/index.dhtml?sponsor=<?php echo $p_gdi;?>">Join Global Domains International </a></font></b> </blockquote> </td> <td height="61" width="59%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">http://www.website.ws/</font><input type="text" id="gdi" style="width:172; height:28" name="gdi" size="20" value="<?php echo (($gdi != '')?$gdi:'');?>"/> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <i><font size="1">ex: https://www.website.ws/orderflow/index.dhtml?sponsor=<b>omas</b></font></i> </blockquote> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td colspan=2 height="184"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="justify"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="justify"> <span style="font-weight: 400"><font size="2">Global Domains International offers a global opportunity to sell domains and hosting service on a large scale to an international community and earn a substantial income to support you and your family for years to come. This opportunity is not a traditional Forced Matrix Program. However, you can move you new affiliates in your downlwine within their first 7 days.</font></span> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="justify"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="justify"> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">All business owners, network marketers, entrepreneurs etc. should have their very own domain name. This program is a must have and is <b>Highly Recommended.</b></font> </p> </blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b> <font size="2" color="#008000" face="verdana">Free 7 Day Trial </font></b> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b> <font size="2" color="#008000">Monthly Fee: $10.00 </font></b> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Build my GDI Downline" /> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td height="55" width="41%"> <blockquote> <p align="left"><font size="2" color="#0000FF"> <span style="font-weight: 700"> <a href="http://omenaa.ws/affiliate/sites/mentor/<?php echo $p_opro;?>/">Join OMENAA PRO</a></span></font> </p> </blockquote> </td> <td height="55" width="59%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">http://omenaa.ws/affiliate/sites/mentor/</font><input type="text" id="opro" style="width:172; height:28" name="opro" size="20" value="<?php echo (($opro != '')?$opro:'');?>"/><font size="2"> </font> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="left"><i><font size="1">ex: http://omenaa.ws/affiliate/sites/mentor/<b>omenaa</b></font></i> </blockquote> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td colspan=2 height="201"> <blockquote> <p align="justify" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <font size="2">Upgrade your OMENAA account to the Pro Membership and add up to 5 additional business to your portfolio. Receive 50% more commissions than free members, get 20% off onsite advertising and save up to 20% on co-op prices.</font> </p> </blockquote> <p align="justify" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b> <font size="2" color="#008000">Monthly Fee: $10.00</font></b> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <input type="submit" value="Upgrade to OMENAA PRO" /> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td height="55" width="41%"> <blockquote> <font size="2"> <a style="color:blue; font-weight:700" target="_blank" href="http://www.pennymatrix.com/<?php echo $p_pm; ?>">Join Penny Matrix</a></font> </blockquote> </td> <td height="55" width="59%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">http://pennymatrix.com/</font><input type="text" id="pm" style="width:172; height:28" name="pm" size="20" value="<?php echo (($pm != '')?$pm:'');?>"/><font size="2"> </font> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="left"><i><font size="1">ex: http://pennymatrix.com/<b>omenaa</b></font></i> </blockquote> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td colspan=2 height="201"> <blockquote> <p align="justify" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <font size="2">Join the fastest growing ebook club in America today. Turn $7 into </font><strong style="color: #F00; font-weight: 400"><font size="2">$19,659.60 </font></strong><strong style="font-weight: 400"> <font size="2">per month. Get in this Exploding Program Now! You get to pick out a valuable ebook every month from their huge library. You will get an early spot (Permanent, yes your spot will never go away - even if you are inactive for a while!) in a powerful newly designed and unique 2 x 14 forced company matrix that is currently exploding in the U.S. and now in other countries around the world... "a Book-of-the-Month Club on Steroids!"</font></strong><font size="2"> </font> </p> </blockquote> <p align="justify" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b> <font size="2" color="#008000">Monthly Fee: $7.00</font></b> </p> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <input type="submit" value="Build my Penny Matrix Downline" /> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td height="73" width="41%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2"> <a style="color:blue; font-weight:700" target="_blank" href="https://www.tvcmatrix.com/<?php echo $p_mca; ?>">Join Motor Club of America</a></font> </blockquote> </td> <td height="73" width="59%"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">https://www.tvcmatrix.com/</font><font size="3"><input type="text" id="mca" style="width:172; height:28" name="mca" size="20" value="<?php echo (($mca != '')?$mca:'');?>"/></font><font size="2"> </font> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><i><font size="1">ex: </font> <font size="1" face="verdana">https://www.tvcmatrix.com/<b>omenaa</b></font></i> </blockquote> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td colspan=2 height="453"> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="justify"> <font face="Verdana" size="2">If you don't know much about motor clubs you might think that they only deal with your vehicle, or that it's just another form of auto insurance. If you find the right one though, a motor club can be much more than that. Imagine having a plan that perfectly compliments your existing auto and health insurance. That's what Motor Club of America Rewards services can do for you! Their complete line of benefits can ensure that you're covered at home, work and play - wherever you are and whatever the situation. The true story below is one of many where Motor Club of America benefits could have been extremely helpful.</font> </p> </blockquote> <p align="center"><b><font size="2" color="#008000">Monthly Cost: </font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font size="2" color="#008000">Free - Builds Residual Income Only</font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font color="#008000" size="2">$19.95 - Builds Residual Income + Bonuses</font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b><font color="#008000" size="2">$39.99 - Builds Residual Income + Bonuses + Forced Matrix Plan </font> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">*Recommended</font></b> </p> <blockquote> <p align="justify"> <font color="#FF0000" size="2"><b>This opportunity is for U.S. & Canada residents ONLY! Please do not use your prepaid card when initially joining. Upfront bonuses are not paid on prepaid card holders. However, you can add a prepaid card, after your initial purchase.</b></font> </p> </blockquote> <p style="text-align: center"> <input type="submit" value="Build my MCA Downline"/> </p> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <font face=verdana size=2> <td height="54" width="41%"> <blockquote> <p style="text-align: left"><font size="2"> <a style="color:blue; font-weight:700" target="_blank" href="http://www.iLivingApp.com/<?php echo $p_ila; ?>">Join The Inspired Living Application</a></font> </p> </blockquote> </td> <td height="54" width="59%"> <font face=verdana size=2> <blockquote> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> http://www.iLivingApp.com/<input type="text" id="ila" style="width:172; height:28" name="ila" size="20" value="<?php echo (($ila != '')?$ila:'');?>"/><font color="#FF0000"> </font> </font> <font face=verdana size=1> <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><i>ex: http://www.iLivingApp.com/<b>omenaa</b></i></blockquote> </td> </font> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 height="353"> <blockquote> <font size="2">iLA (The Inspired Living Application) is a one of a kind, cutting edge mobile application that makes it possible for the average person to profit from the exploding mobile application industry.</font> </blockquote> <p align="center"><b> <font size="2" color="#008000">Monthly Fee: </font></b> </p> <p align="center"><b><font size="2" color="#008000">Free - Access to library</font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b> <font color="#008000" size="2">$6.95 - Retail Customer No Income. </font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">You must refer two (2) customers to become an associate</font> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><b> <font color="#008000" size="2">$9.95 - Builds Residual Income + Bonuses + Forced Matrix Plan </font> <font size="2" color="#FF0000">*Recommeded</font><font size="2"> </font></b> </p> <p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><font size="2">After there are 12 people in your downline, your membership is <b><font color="#FF0000">Free!</font></b></font> </p> <p align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Build iLA Downline" /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </div> </blockquote> </div> <p> </p> <p></p> <p> </p> </div> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> <span style="font-family: georgia, palatino; background-color: #FFFFFF"> <strong> <font size="1"><a href="http://omenaa.ws/terms%20of%20service.htm">Terms </a> | <a href="http://omenaa.ws/privacy%20policy.htm">Privacy</a> </font><span style="font-family:georgia, palatino; font-size:14pt"> <font size="1"> | <a href="http://omenaa.ws/Disclaimer.htm">Disclaimer</a></font></span></strong></span> </p> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"><b><font size="1" color="#FFFFFF">© Copyright OMENAA, LLC All Rights Reserved </font></b> </p> <p align="center"> </p> </form> </body> </html>
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