Hi, I'm using the woocommerce bookings plugin and it has a setting that empties the user's cart after 15 minutes. I've identified the code of code that does this:
* Schedule booking to be deleted if inactive
public function schedule_cart_removal( $booking_id ) {
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wc-booking-remove-inactive-cart', array( $booking_id ) );
wp_schedule_single_event( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_bookings_remove_inactive_cart_time', time() + ( 60 * 15 ) ), 'wc-booking-remove-inactive-cart', array( $booking_id ) );
I need to increase the time from 15 minutes. I've tested replacing ( 'woocommerce_bookings_remove_inactive_cart_time', time() + ( 60 * 15 ) ) with ( 'woocommerce_bookings_remove_inactive_cart_time', time() + ( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ) but I did this on the plugin file which will get replaced when updating.
I'm trying to remove the plugin filter and then applying a new filter with the increased time on my functions.php file but I'm getting errors with everything I've tried. Can anyone help me with this?