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  1. I'm having some problems with $.getJSON, I really need some help because I don't know how to solve the problem and I've been stuck here for days. This is the js file that should generate highcharts when selecting a select option in HTML: $(document).ready(function() { $("#paese").change(function(){ var seriesOptions = []; $.getJSON("prova.php", function(data) { seriesOptions = data; }); var chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'column', spacingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1 }, .... series: [{ name: 'Italia', data: seriesOptions }], Is there anything wrong in the first part? When I select an option, it seems like highcharts don't get the php file, but I'm pretty sure it's correct, here it is(PHP file): <?PHP header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8"); $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root"); $paese = null; if(isset($_GET['paese'])) $paese = $_GET['paese']; $ok = mysql_select_db("liberta", $conn); $response = array(); $sql="SELECT `valori`.Punteggio FROM `valori` INNER JOIN `nazioni` ON `valori`.Nazione = `nazioni`.ID WHERE `nazioni`.Nome = '$paese'"; $res=mysql_query($sql); while($record=mysql_fetch_row($res)){ $response[] = intval("$record[0]"); } mysql_close($conn); print(json_encode($response)); ?> I'm trying to get the data from a database I created with PHPmyadmin and put them directly into highcharts, but it doesn't work. I'd be very pleased if you could help me, also because this is is an exam I have to sit. Thank you very much.
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