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  1. Hello, Newbie needs some help pls. Searched far and wide, seen others ask but no answer (maybe too obvious). I have a simple function to do some basic math (its for young children) <?php for($i=0;$i<$_POST['period'];$i++): $year=$current_year+$i; // add contribution $total_contribution+=$_POST['contribution']; // interest in $ for the period $interest=$new_balance*($_POST['ROI']/100); $total_interest+=$interest; // now new balance $new_balance=$new_balance+$interest-$cash+$_POST['contribution'];; $old_balance=$new_balance-$interest-$cash-$_POST['contribution'];; I use these results to propagate a dynamic table. Works fine. Then I want to use the results to draw a Google chart function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Year'); data.addColumn('number', 'Balance'); for($i = 0; $i <= <?php echo @$_POST['period']?> ; $i++) { data.addRows([ <?php echo "['" . $year . "'," . $balance . "],"; ?> ]); } However all I end up with is a straight line chart on the first year and the final balance. It doesn't add a row of data for each iteration Ive tried a lot of options but nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me? Thanks
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