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  1. Greetings all... I have a quick question and I'll explain it to the best of my ability in hopes of obtaining a quick answer. I have a mysql database for the website which logs 'fish catches' for an online fishing tournament I run. The original person who wrote the code is no longer able to help due to family issues thus I am trying to learn as much as I can. - I have tables for species, anglers, images, submissions (submit), regions, and teams. - Under the species table are relevant columns species_id (numerical number in system just for organization), species_name (name of fish species ex. Tuna), and a few others for region/location etc. - Under the submit table are columns length, submit_id, angler, team_id, species_id, date, image...water...etc Since this particular page we are discussing is the 'all-time records' page, the script was 'grouped' and joined with the query. My issue is the current records are fully working like always have been but are being displayed in order of species_id where as I need it to be displayed by species_name in alphabetical order instead. Here is part of the current code which I need to change and can't figure it out to get it to display in order of species_name... I've learned quite a bit of php but have not come familar with grouping and joining. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide the online address of the page for reference if needed.
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