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  1. Hi all, I have a security problem with my website who is a social network (like facebook). Let's me Explain : You can execute this page on my website. www.SocialNetWork.com/ChangeStatus.php?param=Hello So your status become "Hello". On your profile, you can create a link to a picture on the web, for example : <img src='http://www.hacking.com/pic.jpg'> The problem is that a "hacker" create several russian girl profile and made links to pic.jpg on his server, and this .jpg file rewrite URL to : www.SocialNetWork.com/ChangeStatus.php?param=Suck. So when you visite his profil, the php code is launched, and the status OF THE VISITOR is changed ! I have no idea of how to stop this ? If i check the variable : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] The value is empty or www.SocialNetWork.com, but never www.hacking.com ... How can i stop the fact that a foreign picture could launch a php page on my website ? thanks for help ! ps: sorry for my english
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