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Found 2 results

  1. Hello All, I have an upload script that I use to upload a photo to a folder and then save the file path to a database. Then I query the database to get the photo and put it where I want on my webpage. The question is what kind of technique should I best practice for outputting the images. More of less, I need them to all be the same shape in the similar containers, for example 400px by 300px, but need the container to take into consideration that the photos may be different aspect ratios or vertical as opposed to horizontal. Any suggestions??
  2. I know this is possible, but somehow the terms i am using to search for this must be completely off... I have a directory in, let's say /public_html/posts -- and this directory is filled with individual news posts, each having their own PHP file that contains what amounts to a DIV with some Facebook OG tags thrown in for good measure (that I am hoping takes precedence over what is declared in the <head> section of my header include, but am willing to shrug off). I want to be able to display all of these individual post pages in order by filename -- perhaps with the added ability to limit the initial amount of posts visible to a certain number, and a 'show more' button which then displays the remainder of the folder's contents. I built my first 'php-enabled' site about a month ago, and my knowledge at this point is primarily limited to includes and fiddling with code snippets with mixed results -- so, in essence, I know nothing. I realize that this is probably not the best way to go about giving my site 'canonical links' (in that my request doesn't do that, at all), the primary reasoning for this is for SEO-like ability and to give each news post it's own Facebook sharing options. If someone has any input on a better method or insight, i'd appreciate that just as much. Thanks!
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