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  1. Hello everyone, this is a rather peculiar problem that I have been banging my head against for a while. I am using an MS database that has pump information, it is converted to a MYSQL database and stored on the server. I use a field of the db to populate an html select widget to select the country of origin this then is used to display more info. Here is a short part of the code that produces the error: <?php // standard html web header require 'header.html'; // html user data input form require 'dbpump.php'; ?> <font size="14"><b>PumP search</b></font> <br /> <br /> <?php $query = "SELECT DISTINCT home_office FROM data ORDER BY home_office ASC"; if(!($connection = @ mysql_connect($hostName,$username,$password))) die("Could not connect"); //select database to edit if(!(@ mysql_select_db($databaseName, $connection))) showerror(); if(!($result = @ mysql_query($query))) showerror(); if(isset($_get['headoffice'])) { //required to recover from server the previous selection $headoffice = $_get['headoffice']; } ?> <form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <b>Home office country:</b> <select name="headoffice"> <option value="All">All</option> <?php //cycles through all the home office countries in db and lists them in the html select while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($headoffice == $row['home_office']) echo "<option SELECTED value=".$row['home_office'].">".$row['home_office']."</option>"; else echo "<option value=".$row['home_office'].">".$row['home_office']."</option>"; } ///end while mysql_free_result($result); if ($headoffice == "New Jac territory") echo "<option SELECTED value=\"New Jac territory\">New Jac territory</option>"; else echo "<option value=\"New Jac territory\">New Jac territory</option>"; echo "</select>";?> <input type="submit" value="SEARCH"> </form> <br /> <?php //echo $headoffice;?> <?php // standard html web page footer require 'footer.html';?> you run from this web site: http://www.pumpfunda...base2/test2.php What happens is when you select South Africa and you click the Search button, the get function will only transmit the first part of the term or "South" so that you can't do a match to display further information. I typed the country "New Jac territory" directly in the html as the last html select item to appear in the list; this has a couple of blanks and works fine. So it seems that html does not interpret correctly the value coming from the mysql db. I hope I explained this properly. Thanks, Jacques
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