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Found 2 results

  1. Hi I am getting " Unable to negotiate TLS with this server" when trying to connect to exchange 2010 from imap_open() in PHP script. PHP ver is 5.2.17. I can connect to other mail servers but this one. IMAP on the server is set to "Secure logon. A TLS connection is required for the client to authenticate to the server" and is accessible from outlook or telnet on port 143. And thats a connection line $mbox = imap_open("{}INBOX", "username", "pass", OP_DEBUG); I have tried it with different options, triple checked the details. Thanks
  2. I'm trying to pull emails off an Exchange server but keep coming up with errors. The imap_open command is below: $imap = imap_open("{edison.myserver.com:995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX", $imap_user, $imap_pass) or die(print_r(imap_errors()) ); NOTE: I have been successful downloading emails in this manner from a non-Exchange server. NOTE 2: I have tried many combinations of the second half of the host (from the port number on) The errors vary slightly, but... Array ( [0] => Can't connect to edison.myserver.com,143: Timed out (10060) [1] => Can't open mailbox {edison.myserver.com:993/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX: invalid remote specification ) I have searched for the last couple hours but have only found threads with false answers or no answers at all. Does anyone have an answer? Thanks,
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