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Hey guys, So I making a basic website form to do CRUD operations on a database, and all of my components work, but I keep getting 500 - Internal server error on my index.php Heres my code: <?php require_once('config.php'); require_once('menu.php'); echo '<h1>View All Alien Interactions</h1>'; /* Start the table with the fields we want to display Remember $fields is now in config.php */ echo '<table> <tr>'; foreach($fields AS $label){ // th is a table header; the column's title or label. echo "<th>{$label}</th>"; } //Add the edit and delete columns at the end of the table echo '<th>Edit</th><th>Delete</th>'; echo '</tr>'; /* Select the fields we want, from all the rows The first line takes the array keys from our $fields array and implodes them, using backticks and commas. The end result will look like `first_name`, `last_name`, `phone_number`... The next line creates a SELECT query using that string. */ $fields_str = '`contact_id`, `'.implode(array_keys($fields), '`, `').'`'; $sql = "SELECT {$fields_str} FROM `aliens_abduction`"; foreach($dbh->query($sql) as $row) { echo '<tr>'; // Loop through the fields again to display them for this row. // Note: The tutorial originally contained an error here, this has been updated. foreach($fields AS $field=>$value){ // if the field is blank, we want to empty a blank space, otherwise the HTML won't work properly echo '<td>'.(isset($row[$field]) && strlen($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ' '.'</td>'); } echo '</tr>'; echo '<td><a href="edit.php?contact_id='.$row['contact_id'].'">Edit</a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="delete.php?contact_id='.$row['contact_id'].'">Delete</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; ?> and heres my config.php code (idk if this is the root of the problem, i dummied out my credentials): <?php //Connect to the database $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=xxxxxxxxx;dbname=db_demo', 'xxxxx', 'xxxxx'); //Set the default fetch mode to be an associative array. $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //Define the fields for our CRUD application $fields = array( 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'when_it_happened' => 'When it happened', 'how_many' => 'How many', 'alien_description' => 'Alien description', 'what_they_did' => 'What they did', 'fang_spotted' => 'Fang spotted', 'email' => 'Email' ); ?>