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  1. Can someone tell me why this code will not work? It's supposed to update the quantity in a shopping cart by taking the user input and changing the value of the array. I can add items by clicking the 'add to cart' button, but as you know that only works one at a time. Once you make a selection you have the opportunity to go to the cart and modify the quantity by entering in a numeric value; so instead of clicking 10 times you can just type 1, 0 to get to 10. Is there any other info I can provide to convey what I'm trying to do? I'm new to php so I don't know why it's not working, this looks right according to php.net but something is wrong. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { foreach($_POST['quantity'] as $key => $value) { if($value==0) { unset($_SESSION['cart'][$key]); }else{ $_SESSION['cart']['$key']['quantity']=$value; } } } errors below: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() illegal string offset 'cart'
  2. Hi I'm really hoping you can help me, and I'm trying to give as much information as I can, I'm getting an invalid argument supplied for foreach() error, which is referencing the following code (see below) - is their anything obvious you can see? I appreciate I'm a thicko <section class="categorynews"> <?php $categories = thb_HomePageCategories();?> <?php foreach($categories as $category) { ?> <?php $color = GetCategoryColor($category); ?> <div class="categoryholder cf"> <div class="categoryheadline" style="border-color:<?php echo $color; ?>"> <h2><?php $cat = get_category($category); echo $cat->name; ?></h2> <span><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($category); ?>" style="color:<?php echo $color; ?>"><?php _e( '<i class="icon-long-arrow-right"></i> View All Articles', THB_THEME_NAME ); ?></a></span> </div>
  3. Hi thanks for reading my first post. I'm having trouble with a checkout form processor that is working but throwing WARNINGS that my sales team (and later direct customers) should not get. I am trying to grab customer cart information (one or more rows), grab it as an array, convert all to string, replace the double shipping (if it exists), and store it in final variable $prodfinal. Here is the code: // BTG Product Inserting Code $result_products = mysql_query("SELECT name, name2 FROM cart WHERE invoice_id=$invoice_id"); while($products[]= mysql_fetch_array($result_products,MYSQL_ASSOC)); $prod3=" "; foreach($products as $prod2) { $prod3.=" ".(implode(" ",$prod2)); } $prod2=(implode(" ",$products)); $prodfinal=str_replace('Shipping Shipping','& Shipping',$prod3); // BTG code end This code executes successfully but throws: Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home1/beatth13/public_html/cms/customer_orders_list32.php on line 42 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home1/beatth13/public_html/cms/customer_orders_list32.php:42) in /home1/beatth13/public_html/cms/customer_orders_list32.php on line 180 line 42 is the -- foreach($products as $prod2) { $prod3.=" ".(implode(" ",$prod2)); } I tested this code segment on its own php test page and it runs fine, no warnings... when I embed it in the larger form processing page the implode function...well...implodes. ALSO it throws the "output started" error from line 42 except I REALLY do not see where I am sending any output... It does not appear to me that I am sending any HTML output at this point but apparently I am wrong. Thank you in advance for your help! BTG
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