I have a site for the Club I made, however I want to make it so that I can read the Session info, and then a certain Row for a user's page.
I made their own personal webpages that get their information from the Session from MySQL. I want to try and see if all the information after a certain part will collect information from a different row. If that can't, is there a way it can be certain marks? I don't know how to explain it, but it is supposed to be that it keeps their username and other information that is requested on the site is active, but collects certain information from a row on the database.
If you don't understand, go here: http://www.mcqtools.cu.cc/Club/member/
and login with test:test (username:password)
then go to the 'Block' tab... I want their information to stay on the TOP of the page, like the user's name and all that, but the other information on the bottom of the block is from a certain row (userid=1)
I don't know if I explained that right or not :/