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  1. How do you selectively BOLD output array elements from three arrays? My code has only one output line. I am creating a madlib php program and I want my nouns to be in bold, my verbs to be italicized, and my adjectives to be underlined. Where would I implement this? Thanks. Here is my code: $counter=0; $nounCounter=0; $verbCounter=0; $adjCounter=0; $newSentArray = $sentArray; // copy $sentArray while ( $counter < count($sentArray)) // loop over words in array { if($sentArray[$counter] == "NOUN" or $sentArray[$counter] == "NOUN." or $sentArray[$counter] == "NOUN!") { // replace current word with noun $newSentArray[$counter] = $nounArray[$nounCounter]; $nounCounter++; // increment noun, so next noun in used for replacement } elseif($sentArray[$counter] == "VERB" or $sentArray[$counter] == "VERB." or $sentArray[$counter] == "VERB!") { // replace current word with verb $newSentArray[$counter] = $verbArray[$verbCounter]; $verbCounter++; // increment verb, so next verb in used for replacement } elseif($sentArray[$counter] == "ADJECTIVE" or $sentArray[$counter] == "ADJECTIVE." or $sentArray[$counter] == "ADJECTIVE!") { // replace current word with adjective $newSentArray[$counter] = $adjArray[$adjCounter]; $adjCounter++; // increment adjective, so next adjective in used for replacement } $counter++; } // implode words array into a string echo implode(' ', $newSentArray);
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