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  1. Hi, I have the following query SELECT user_details.User_club_ID, user_details.fname, user_details.lname, user_details.email, user_details.club_No club.CLUBCODE, club.club_id FROM user_details, club WHERE club_id = $cid AND user_details.club_No = club.CLUBCODE AND user_status = 'active'"; which I converted to a prepared statement as SELECT user_details.User_club_ID, user_details.fname, user_details.lname, user_details.email, user_details.club_No club.CLUBCODE, club.club_id FROM user_details, club WHERE club_id = ? AND user_details.club_No = club.CLUBCODE AND user_status = ?"; Please note that user_status is a field in the table user_details. The original query (non -PDO) works correctly. I want to know if this is correct and that the comparison in the WHERE clause i.e. user_details.club_No = club.CLUBCODE is security safe. If not then how should this be modified. Also if there is a better way to write this statement, kindly show that as well. Thanks Thanks all !
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