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  1. I have a notifications system and after many late nighters and dr peppers I finally have it working. My only issue is that the notifications "bell" has the number of new notifications in the middle of it. When I click the button it will show me my unread notifications and when I close it the number of unread notifications stays the same. I'm using a sql statement to get the number of unread posts on load but when I click the button to reveal the notifications I'd like it to update the number of unread posts as well. Here's some code I have: //GETS THE NOTIFICATIONS function toggleDiv(divId) { $("#"+divId).show(); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myContent").load("getnotes.php"); }); } //BUTTON TO PRESS TO SHOW THE NOTIFICATIONS PANEL <a data-ajax="false" href="#myContent" onclick="toggleDiv('myContent');" data-role="button" data-iconpos="notext" class="icon-bell-alt icon-2x" style="background: none; margin-right: 20px;"></a> //SHOWS THE NUMBER OF UNREAD POSTS <div id='notes_number'><? if ($number == "0") { echo $number; } else { echo "<a style='color: #FF0000;'>$number</a>"; }?></div> What can I do to update the number?
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