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  1. im doing a project for my class and im getting this error so im suppose to be able to type in a phone number and a message. Its suppose to be taken from the forum and be put into the database into a table with columns/message/phone number here is the forum <?php //Add message and phone number to the "messages" table ... $con = mysql_connect("localhost","rrwolff*****","****"); //Connection string //drmerry_Project6 is the user then project6 is the password if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("rrwolff0_wolffman", $con); //drmerry_php is the database $sql="INSERT INTO Project6 VALUES ('".$_POST[textmessage]."','".$_POST[phonenumber]."');" ; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Record Added"; //line 3 and line 8 have to be customized to your settings // ?> //****************************************************************************************** //This section will send an the text message to everyone in the Members table $fromemail = "****16@email.*****" ; $message = $_POST[textmessage] ; $sql="SELECT Email FROM members"; mysql_query($sql,$con); $result = mysql_query($sql); //echo "Message Sent To:<br/>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // while will look through all members of the database //echo $row['Email']."<br/>"; //echo "From Email:".$fromemail."<br/>"; mail($row['Email'], "New Text Message", $message, "From: ". $fromemail ); } //****************************************************************************************** //This section will add an entry to an RSS feed $rss = simplexml_load_file('text.xml'); $item= $rss->channel->addChild('item'); $item->addChild('title', date("m/d/Y")."-".date("g:i a") ); $item->addChild('description', $_POST[textmessage]."-".$_POST[phonenumber]); file_put_contents('text.xml', $rss->asXML()); Im getting the error message when i type in my number and message can any1 help me please?
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