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  1. I am temporarily including some extra "testing" code within my program to help me troubleshoot it. It won't be in the final program. I'm trying to compare the correct answer in a quiz program ($ans) with the user's answer ($_POST['guess']). Even when the user picks the right answer, the program still spits out, "wrong!" I am not seeing my logical error here, but I obviously have one. I attached a screen shot of the output. I hope it helps. Thank you all. if (isset($_POST['qid'])){ //qid is the question id $_SESSION['qid']=$_POST['qid']; print_r($_SESSION); $ans = $db->query("SELECT answer FROM QuestionsAnswers WHERE questionid = " . $_SESSION['qid']); echo "<br />"; print_r ($ans); //correct answer while($row = $ans->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo "<p>Here is my Thursday 6pm attempt:xxx" . intval($row['answer']) . "xxx</p>"; echo "<p>User guessed:xxx" . intval($_POST['guess']) . "xxx</p>"; echo '<p>the extra exes ("xxx") are to demonstrate there are no spaces in the field data.</p>'; } if (intval($row['answer']) == intval($_POST['guess'])){ //values converted to integers just in case one or both is/are a string echo "<p>Right!</p>";} else{ echo "<p>wrong!</p>"; } It is bugging me that PHPFreaks won't let me log into my regular account. Cool. At least I can log in using Facebook. Different account, same person. It is still me. Thanks to all for any help with this one. (please see attached output.)
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