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Found 5 results

  1. where do i download a login script like this used here at phpfreaks
  2. i am new to php so i am having a problem with my php code, with username & password are not correct error plss help me out...!!! Thanx and regards Abhishek
  3. Hi there, I have a question that I seem not to be able to find online else so I'm hoping someone here can help me. The question I have is I am in the process of creating a membership site. I have completed the login process correctly with a PHP login script I found online. I have installed the script correctly such as database, protecting certain pages etc. The problem I am having is I am wanting to hide the URL where the registration page is found where users can signup (e.g. mywebsite.com/register.php). For example, I am wanting users to be able to login any time (mywebsite.com/login.php from a link I provide on the home page), but I am wanting to hide the signup page as user will get access to the registration page once they have made payments. But the problem is if the user has a little bit of knowledge about login scripts, there should know just to type in either signup.php or register.php (where the login script is located) to get access to this page for free. For example, could I some how change the register.php name to something like register229102.php without the entire script not working? The idea behind my membership site will be once a user makes a payment via redirecting to a secure Clickbank payments page (as I am using Clickbank as my payment options) and once the user has made payments they are then redirected to the thank you page, when then the user will click a link to be redirected to the register.php page where they sign up and get access from there. And they can login from the home page once they have become a member. I hope this has made an understanding of my idea. I have everything already set up and would just like an easy way to hind the register.php URL as I am not to techy when it comes to PHP. Thanks Kindly, Daniel
  4. Hi there, I am having an issue protecting sub-folders within sub-folders with PHP. I have been protecting pages with only short directories (doing fine), but now I am wanting to protect new directories with a number of sub-directories and that is where I am having troubles. NOTE: Links below are like this as they shorting on this site making it hard for you's to view then understand what I'm talking about. Example: PHP Login Script Location: mydomain. com/login/free/main.php Works Fine - Pages Protected: mydomain. com/login/free/members/free.php Does not work - Wanting Pages Protected: mydomain .com/login/free/members/free/archive/directory/2008.php (and branched out from there) This is the code I use on tops of all my pages, but the long one's do not work... <?php include("..../include/session.php"); if(!$session->logged_in){ header("Location: ..../main.php"); } else { ?> <!-- --> Only "../" works, not "..../" or "....../". Can anyone tell me why this is the case and what I am doing wrong. Thanks
  5. Hello, I have a small issue i am using a facebook login script that allows users to log into the website with there facebook user account. I want to extract information regarding the user and feed it directly to my database like there name, sex, address etc from there facebook account. I am attaching the facebook script that i am using to this post. can any help me or give me suggestions on how to do that? facebook_script.php-5Dec-2012.php
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