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  1. Hi all. I have just created a login page which logs a person into a page with menu buttons. However, i have noticed that if, inadvertently, i double click any of the menu buttons or the other form submit buttons, i get logged out. I think this is because of the session_regenerate_id that i used for the login purpose and which I don't want to change. So I would like to know if there is some way to ignore subsequent clicks for a certain period of time once the button has been clicked. For e.g. if i have clicked a submit button, then i want that any further clicks on the same button be ignored if they occur within say 500ms of the 1st one. Something like that. Or better still if the subsequent clicks are ignored until the previous button action has been completetd once it is clicked. Again for e.g. if i a submit button is accessing a database and takes say 300ms to retrive and display that information, then once that button has been clicked, subsequent clicks on it should be ignored - in this eg. for 300 ms - till the previous button action is complete. Implore all the gurus for their invaluable inputs and guidance. Thanks all !
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