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  1. Though I think it is not a PHP related question but as the website I am working on is developed in PHP so, I thought I may get answer to it from here. The website I am working on is a Property Search kind of website and it uses MLS System for the list of properties. The basic essence is to select a Property and add it to a Magazine. And when the Magazine is filled up with specific # of properties then make a PDF format magazine of all properties. Now, I know about FPDF and I have used it also... There is TCPDF also... but all of them just grab data and automatically creates PDF document. I want the admin of site to manually create a PDF from all the list of properties by using mouse. Like drag and drop scenario. I know it is not a PHP thing... because PHP runs on the server. But if someone knows of any library, tool, or framework in PHP or in JavaScript... or if I can use HTML5 in any manner... then please let me know! The task at hand is very important and I don't have much time to finish it. Any kind of help would be much appreciated! Regards!
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