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  1. Hi! I have question about Select Options from dropdown Options selection and selection is image with hover text on image! Ex: Like if you register on some forum and select own country from dropdown selection, and in forum viewthread shows your country with flag image somewhere above or up avatar. That i mean! Example picture: I working on my project "Film DB Liberty" what based on Movie DataBase mdb1987 CMS! Let me explain a bit: I want, if i add new movie to DB i have options select on Dropdown list "DVD" or "Blu-ray" and i select in list ex "DVD" it show in my main DB page like this format: Film Format: (and on image show hover text "Owns DVD"!) There is serval files what need to be mod, files codes i attached to that post! Image files what i want use is here... Blu-ray - http://films.jomppaspace.net/img/blu_ray_logo_small.png DVD - http://films.jomppaspace.net/img/dvd_logo_small.png Making that simple, i find dropdown code where is image as a selection but i do not know how but that in to my code! Please help me someone who knows better PHP code than me,woult extrem grateful if someone can modify code! (Agree also pay little for that!) Have skype and steam, pm me if you want add me! Hope you understand my question, sorry for poor english! Kind regards Elari add.php.txt add1.php.txt delete.php.txt delete1.php.txt edit.php.txt edit1.php.txt edit2.php.txt functions.php.txt index.php.txt
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