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  1. Hi, Just wondering if anyone can help here, ive been creating this website doing a bit here and there the last couple of years and i have a few questions. http://www.rixsta.co.uk/ My main issue is that i want the music player to keep on playing when you go to a new page, i know some/all ? php sites are ok in this way because when you change page most of the page stays the same and the browser is not refreshed. Because the scripts im wanting to use need the pages PHP i think i will convert over so is there a way to convert my site into php or is it best to start again. this is a page ive converted and it works fine! http://www.rixsta.co.../html/test5.php it has to be PHP for the comments script at the bottom of the page..i think im best making all pages php The other thing is id like to be able to make the menu semi-transparent or find a similar menu to go on the side bar rather than at the top. Most importantly i would like to make it so you can go to the next album by clicking the arrows and only that section of the page change to a new album/info/downloads and so on, the menu the left hand bar and music player all stay the same. Cheers for any help i know its a lot of questions
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