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Hi, I am looking to create a directory that can not be accessed using .htaccess and neither can files directly. But I want to make it so when you are signed into joomla you can access the files via a mp3 player on the sight. My mp3 extention is joomline player flplayer. And I heard that if I cange the name of the file in joomla fomr to and then that abc.php script (inside the script it checks if you are logged in) will retrieve the file name, and the joomline will play it it will work. is this possible? Also, if not what can I do for this to work? Right now my script is not working as the joomline looks up all the mp3 files as one big string. this is the abc.php which on my site its calld psp.php <?php define( '_JEXEC', 1 ); define( 'JPATH_BASE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../' )); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .'/includes/defines.php' ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .'/includes/framework.php' ); $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site'); if( !empty( $_GET['name'] ) ) { // check if user is logged if(JFactory::getUser()->guest) { die( "ERROR: invalid song or you don't have permissions to download it." ); } else { $psp = preg_replace( '#[^-\w]#', '', $_GET['name'] ); $psp_file = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/audio/live/{$psp}.mp3"; if( file_exists( $psp_file ) ) { header( 'Cache-Control: public' ); header( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' ); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$psp_file}" ); header( 'Content-Type: application/mp3' ); header( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary' ); readfile( $psp_file ); exit; } } } ?> then I have joomline player jlplayer <?php /** * JoomLine mp3 player - Joomla mp3 player * * @version 1.5 * @package JoomLine mp3 player * @author Anton Voynov ([email protected]), Sergii Gaievskiy ([email protected]) * @copyright (C) 2010 by Anton Voynov( * @license GNU/GPL: * * If you fork this to create your own project, * please make a reference to JoomLine someplace in your code * and provide a link to **/ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); function ascii2hex($ascii, $reverse = false) { $hex = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ascii); $i++) { $byte = strtoupper(dechex(ord($ascii{$i}))); $byte = str_repeat('0', 2 - strlen($byte)).$byte; $hex[] = $byte; } if ($reverse) $hex = array_reverse($hex); return implode(" ",$hex); } function read_frame (&$f, &$tagdata, $frame) { $pos = strpos($tagdata,$frame); if ( $pos !== FALSE) { // frame found. read length of this frame fseek($f, 10+$pos+4); $frame2len = hexdec(ascii2hex(fread($f,4))); if (($frame2len-1) > 0) { // read frame data fseek($f, 10+$pos+4+2+4+1); $data = trim(fread($f,$frame2len-1)); $hexfdata = ascii2hex($data); if ( substr($hexfdata,0,5) == 'FF FE' or substr($hexfdata,0,5) == 'FE FF' ) { $data = iconv("UCS-2","UTF-8",$data); } else { if (!preg_match('//u', $data)) { $data = iconv("cp1251", "UTF-8",$data); } } return $data; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function readmp3tag($file) { $f = fopen($file, 'rb'); rewind($f); fseek($f, -128, SEEK_END); $tmp = fread($f,128); if ($tmp[125] == Chr(0) and $tmp[126] != Chr(0)) { // ID3 v1.1 $format = 'a3TAG/a30NAME/a30ARTISTS/a30ALBUM/a4YEAR/a28COMMENT/x1/C1TRACK/C1GENRENO'; } else { // ID3 v1 $format = 'a3TAG/a30NAME/a30ARTISTS/a30ALBUM/a4YEAR/a30COMMENT/C1GENRENO'; } $id3v1tag = unpack($format, $tmp); // read tag length fseek($f, ; $tmp = fread($f,2); $tmp = ascii2hex($tmp); $taglen= hexdec($tmp); $tagdata = ""; if ($taglen > 0) { //read tag data fseek($f, 10); $tagdata = fread($f,$taglen); } // find song title frame $title = read_frame ($f, $tagdata, "TIT2"); if (!$title) { if ($id3v1tag['TAG']== 'TAG' && ascii2hex(substr($id3v1tag['NAME'],0,1)) != '00' ) { $title = $id3v1tag['NAME']; } else { $title = explode(DS,$file); $title = $title[count($title)-1]; $title = explode('.',$title); $title=$title[0]; } if (!preg_match('//u', $title)) $title = iconv("cp1251", "UTF-8",$title); } $artist = read_frame ($f, $tagdata, "TPE1"); if (!$artist) { if ($id3v1tag['TAG']== 'TAG' && ascii2hex(substr($id3v1tag['ARTISTS'],0,1)) != '00') { $artist = $id3v1tag['ARTISTS']; } else { $artist = ""; } } if (!preg_match('//u', $artist)) $artist = iconv("cp1251", "UTF-8//TRANSLIT",$artist); $id3tag['NAME'] = $title; $id3tag['ARTIST'] = $artist; return $id3tag; } if (DS == "/") $dir = str_replace("\\",DS,$music_dir); else $dir = str_replace("/",DS,$music_dir); $dir = JPATH_ROOT.DS.$dir; if (!is_dir($dir)) { echo "Wrong dir in settings"; } else { $files = glob($dir.DS."*.{mp3,MP3}",GLOB_BRACE); if (count($files) > 0) { sort($files); $host = $base_uri; foreach ($files as $file) { $tags = readmp3tag($file); $file = explode (DS, $file); if ($server_utf8 == 1) { $fname = rawurlencode($file[count($file)-1]); } else { $fname = rawurlencode($file[count($file)-1]); } $fname = substr($fname, 0, -4); $file = $host."/".$music_dir."/psp.php?name=".$fname; echo $file; $artist = trim($tags['ARTIST']); $artist = $artist == "" ? "" : "{$tags['ARTIST']} - "; $playlist[] = '{name:"'.$artist.$tags['NAME'].'",mp3:"'.$file.'"}'; } } /* * //if(!window.jQuery) { document.write(unescape('<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$base_uri?>/modules/mod_jlplayer/js/jq.js">%3C/script%3E')); document.write(unescape('<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();%3C/script%3E')); //} * */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var myPlayList = [ <?php echo implode(",\n ",$playlist)."\n"; ?> ]; Array.prototype.find=function(v){ for (i=0;i<this.length;i++){ if (this[i]==v) return i; } return 0; } var plIndex = []; for (i=0;i<myPlayList.length;i++) { plIndex[i] = i; } <?php if ($shfl == 1) : ?> //shuffle function randOrd(){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); } plIndex.sort(randOrd); <?php endif; ?> function setCookie (name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-2055 00:00:01 GMT; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var cookie = " " + document.cookie; var search = " " + name + "="; var setStr = null; var offset = 0; var end = 0; if (cookie.length > 0) { offset = cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; end = cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) { end = cookie.length; } setStr = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return(setStr); } function changeShflStatus(el) { nowPlay = plIndex[playItem]; if (el.checked) { setCookie("jlp_shfl","shuffle"); plIndex.sort(randOrd); } else { setCookie("jlp_shfl","notshuffle"); plIndex.sort(); } playItem = plIndex.find(nowPlay); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$base_uri?>/modules/mod_jlplayer/js/jq.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script> <link href="<?=$base_uri?>/modules/mod_jlplayer/skin/skin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$base_uri?>/modules/mod_jlplayer/js/jquery.jplayer.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var playItem = 0; jQuery(function(){ var jpPlayTime = jQuery("#jplayer_play_time"); var jpTotalTime = jQuery("#jplayer_total_time"); var jlp_shfl = getCookie("jlp_shfl"); if (jlp_shfl == "shuffle") { document.getElementById('jlp_shfl').checked = true; } else if (jlp_shfl == "notshuffle") { document.getElementById('jlp_shfl').checked = false; } jsuri = baseuri+"/modules/mod_jlplayer/js/"; jQuery("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer({ ready: function() { displayPlayList(); playListInit(enable_autoplay); // Parameter is a boolean for autoplay. }, errorAlerts:true, warningAlerts:true, swfPath: jsuri }) .jPlayer("onProgressChange", function(loadPercent, playedPercentRelative, playedPercentAbsolute, playedTime, totalTime) { jpPlayTime.text(jQuery.jPlayer.convertTime(playedTime)); jpTotalTime.text(jQuery.jPlayer.convertTime(totalTime)); }) .jPlayer("onSoundComplete", function() { playListNext(); }); jQuery("#jplayer_previous").click( function() { playListPrev(); return false; }); jQuery("#jplayer_next").click( function() { playListNext(); return false; }); }); function displayPlayList() { for (i=0; i < myPlayList.length; i++) { jQuery("#jplayer_playlist").append("<div id='jplayer_playlist_item_"+i+"'>"+ myPlayList[i].name +"</div>"); jQuery("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+i).data( "index", i ).click( function() { var index = jQuery(this).data("index"); if (plIndex[playItem] != index) { _index = plIndex.find(index); playListChange( _index, index ); } else { jQuery("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("play"); } }); } } function playListInit(autoplay) { if(autoplay) { playListChange(0, plIndex[0] ); } else { playListConfig(0, plIndex[0] ); } } function playListConfig(_index, index ) { jQuery("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+plIndex[playItem]).removeClass("jplayer_playlist_current"); jQuery("#jplayer_playlist_item_"+index).addClass("jplayer_playlist_current"); playItem = _index; jQuery("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("setFile", myPlayList[plIndex[playItem]].mp3); } function playListChange(_index, index ) { playListConfig(_index, index ); jQuery("#jquery_jplayer").jPlayer("play"); } function playListNext() { var _index = (playItem+1 < myPlayList.length) ? playItem+1 : 0; var index = plIndex[_index]; playListChange(_index, index ); } function playListPrev() { var _index = (playItem-1 >= 0) ? playItem-1 : myPlayList.length-1; var index = plIndex[_index]; playListChange(_index, index ); } </script> <?php include_once(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'modules/mod_jlplayer/skin/tpl.php'); ?> <?php } I was messing around in there with $file if ($server_utf8 == 1) { $fname = rawurlencode($file[count($file)-1]); } else { $fname = rawurlencode($file[count($file)-1]); } $fname = substr($fname, 0, -4); $file = $host."/".$music_dir."/psp.php?name=".$fname; echo $file; I am unsure how to retreive a file title only, with out the whole path, just the name and not even the file ext. It comes up with all the files names in the echo. Also I am not sure how joomline chooses just one file. I am not a php designer and I am quite confused lol Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.